I’d like to share our Top Tips for hiring executives; it was going to be a top 5, but the 6th one was too important to miss! So here we are, my TOP 6 things to do when #recruiting #seniorstaff
1. Get everyone on the same page at the start.
Senior hires are complicated because of their impact across business lines, so it’s crucial that everyone connected to the hire takes time to discuss, right at the start. (When I say everyone, there is obviously a max number which is helpful, say around 3-5 people). Try to include anyone likely to veto.
2. Agree Priorities.
You are unlikely to find a candidate with 100% of all your top requirements, but often, the top key skill at 150% comes out a lot more important than the other skills – even if they come in at 60% strength – especially if these can be developed. Based on character, typical skill-set, and priorities for the company, agree what the ‘abundant skill’ is, followed by the others.
3. Stay flexible.
Even though you will agree the above, bear in mind that when interviewing it could change slightly, so leave some room in your thinking for a little flexibility. That’s because you will get a gut reaction to a skill set only once you start meeting people, so try not to put your needs into a box too early on.
4. Discuss ‘what right feels like’
i.e. who is this person as a person? How do they feel? How do YOU feel after your interactions? (You should feel energized, but safe). Never go for a shiny candidate that makes you feel uncomfortable somehow, that’s always going to end badly.
5. Agree your key questions and the order of questions around the role priorities.
In order to create a robust process that is fair to all candidates, it is important to agree these in advance with your peers, as well as which topics each of you will cover. But don’t be too rigid, let the conversation flow a bit too; it is important to create the relationship from the beginning. It will not go wrong if you stick broadly to the plan and make your way through the questions in the same order.
6. Don’t give away too much information about what you are looking for.
This is a massive thing I’ve seen over the years. Its important to give enough detail to be clear, but try not to overdo it by giving the game away. You want to give a broad outline at the start, just to set the conversation, but don’t give away the things which are the deal breakers. Think carefully about questions that will uncover whether that person is the right type of person without saying ‘who’ the right person is explicitly.
You should however be more open in the final rounds, and I suggest that you are, it will be required to get ‘buy-in’ from any senior profile – especially where there are multiple offers.
I hope this helps your #business #recruit , let me know if you’ve got any questions or comments.
LinkedIn: @FundsTalent
Article on LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/hiring-senior-level-6-things-you-should-do-fundstalent/?trackingId=YuTRkLI8RCasMzl%2Bog03BA%3D%3D