Our latest webinar, Understanding You, aired on our company LinkedIn page (LinkedIn Live Event) on the 16th February 2024. It is part of the Talent Talks series which covers everything in the funds job sector in Luxembourg. Scroll to the bottom for the video link and for a step-by-step guide on understanding your natural talents.

Have you ever wondered if you’re heading in the right direction for success?
In this talk, Rana Hein-Hartmann drew on 16+ years of advising on careers to explain;

– Which jobs suit your unique profile, and why
– What are the common pitfalls in selecting the right organisation for YOU
– Understanding the size and type of company that suits your personality the most
– Understanding which type of company culture suits you, and why
– Learning how to recognise your core skills
– Learning how to nurture your core skills and why it is important

Join Rana for a live deep dive into understanding your unique profile, and how you can best apply it to the funds industry.

Attendance is highly likely to result in you being happier about your career path, more successful, and more sure of yourself! 💃🕺

Advice given is specific to jobs in the Funds Industry, and the types of companies in this sector.

Video link here:  https://www.linkedin.com/feed/update/urn:li:activity:7158486926918832130


The perfect role you.

A team of great people – who know a lot about the funds industry, and all the possible careers in it – is waiting for your call.